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Paytm Wallet & Gift Voucher
Paytm Wallet & Gift Voucher
Paytm’s role in transactions on other apps/websites/stores
How to add money to Paytm wallet?
Sent money to a wrong mobile number
Added money to wallet by mistake? Here’s what you should do next
Unable to purchase Gift voucher via UPI
Unable to add money via credit/debit card
Unable to purchase Gift Voucher through net banking
Unable to add money through net-banking
Amount not updated in Gift Voucher passbook
How to send money to others using Paytm?
Unable to transfer money from wallet to bank
Money deducted from wallet but not added to bank account
All you need to know about KYC based restrictions on Paytm wallet
Unable to add money via UPI? Here’s what you should know
Why did the Gift Voucher purchase fail
Refund not received in Gift Voucher Balance
Unable to purchase Gift Voucher through debit/credit card? Know the possible reasons
How to check details for a transaction?
Unable to add money to Paytm Wallet
Amount deducted from wallet but not added to recipient’s wallet
Haven’t yet received refund for a failed transaction? Here’s what you should know
Unable to send/receive money through Paytm wallet
What is Paytm Gift Voucher?